Its has been one of my goals for this year to learn Python. I did a bit of BASIC at school but that has been the sum of my programming experience outside of the occasional bash script here and there. I am noticing that everybody seems to be talking about programming lately at the topic of network programmability, DevOps, DevNet etc are becoming the buzz so why not jump in.
My end goal is to get the Cisco DevNet Associate Certification but as usual I am making baby steps. I downloaded a Study Guide by Nick Russo here. In that guide he devotes the first week to the studying of Python. I had already done some work but I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to also get the PCEP certification as well.
The following is a list of resources I used with some comments:
- Becoming PCEP (Python Certified Entry-level Programmer) – I became a bit frustrated with this due to poor editing. This is essentially a run-through of the exam syllabus and you will need more training to get the PCEP.
- Code School: Try Python
- Code School: Flying Through Python – This was a really fun one with hands on examples that made learning understandable.
- Core Python: Getting Started – A bit boring and the teacher goes very fast. Coffee and rewind are your friend.
- PRACTICE PYTHON – Beginner Python exercises – I looked at this more than was recommended by Nick Russo and found it very helpful (Practice makes perfect!).
- Python Tutorial for Beginners (YouTube Playlist)
- The Complete Python Developer Certification Course (Udemy) – Great content with great examples.